Monday, 1 June 2009


after anticipating it for quite sometime, it's finally here...'CUTI PERTENGAHAN TAHUN 2009"
yippie...but, on sadder note, i am starting it with conjunctivitis...huhuhuhu...

ada 8 kelas PjPk papers, 2 kelas essay belum marking...adush, mcm mane nak mark dgn mata yg sepet sebelah nie..kene jugak tabah semangat and finish all marking by the end of the week coz next week, we are spending a week at Cherating....yahooo...

well, the school week ended by celebrating Hari Guru peringkat sekolah, and me, kak zu, fatimah and kak nor decided to have 'secret santa' and exchanging gift among after comtemplating on what to buy, last minute, i decided to buy kain ela from Biwanis kat me "heret" hubby and Danish shopping there last thursday. We had late lunch at Chakri, and guess who we bumped into? At first, me and hubby were trying to look cool and just buat tak tau, yelah kan, they do look very macam 'somebody rich and famous' tapi langsung kiteorg tak kenal...the lady sungguh lawa with very gebu face and the guy pun handsome even with thinning hair..they looked so loving, as the guy without segan and silu kissed the girl on the cheeck...and they had an entourage! Of course lah VIP that time, rase macam nak take some pic pakai hp, but takut mcm jakunlah pulak just let them be....but as they left, me and hubby were also left wondering ...anak sapa lah tu...

but i am not wondering anymore as i found who they are tonite.. they are Manohara Odelia Pinot and Tengku Temenggong Muhammad Fakhry Petra.

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