Thursday, 4 June 2009

"Setiap pelajar yang menduduki Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia (SPM) hanya dibenarkan mengambil 10 subjek maksimum mulai tahun depan,"
"Ia akan mempunyai banyak implikasi positif, satu yang pasti adalah para guru akan berupaya memberi lebih tumpuan terhadap bilangan mata pelajaran utama dan guru juga akan lebih khusus,"

agaknya apakah perkara yg telah menjadi pemangkin terhadap keputusan yg dirasakan amat terburu-buru ini? Dan kenapa hanya 10, dah bukan 11,12...dan bukan 15?
daripada setengah juta pelajar yang mengambil SPM sebelum ini, kira-kira 48,000 pelajar mengambil lebih daripada 10 subjek.

senario biasa ialah pelajar aliran sains akan mengambil Biology, Chemistry, Physics dan Add Math. Then with this new ruling, mereka akan terbatas mengambil Prinsip Akaun, Pendidikan Seni Visual ataupun Tasawwur Islam..and what about EST? Ini amat menyedihkan.

teringat apa yang diulaskan oleh Nur Amalina Che Bakri who scored 17 A1s in the 2005 SPM exam when she was asked about this issue back then. She said that human brain has 2 sides. If we only concentrates on the left side (which include analytical , verbal, logical, grammar, vocab and numerical computation) what will happen to the right side ( include holistic, prosodic, intuitive). Means that, students should not only focus on subjects like math, science, bio etc, but also be learning subjects like art, literature and etc..

pengambilan subjek SPM yg melebihi 15 oleh calon adalah sangat sedikit dan boleh dibilang dgn jari (a few people's fingers maybe...)
dan harus juga diingat, nobody is forcing them to take more than they can why should there be a limit??? I really-really dont understand...

more than few times, at my school, non- muslim students who are keen in taking Tasawwur Islam on top of their Science stream subjects. Even the some Malays students are not interested to take it and I see that the class that the main elective is T.I are not givng the best result...I think if they can handle it, why should we stop them.

i think we should encourage students to be more well-rounded people , by giving them the chance to learn as much as they want and can...
maybe encourage them to take 3rd language like Japanese, French or Mandrin ker...isnt it much better rather than limiting them...

the reason given to this move was:
"Ini juga akan mengatasi masalah pada sesetengah subjek yang kekurangan guru, malahan ibu bapa dapat menjimatkan wang daripada terpaksa membayar lebihan subjek perlu diambil apabila menghantar anak mereka ke kelas tuisyen"
untuk merapatkan jurang di antara pelajar bandar dan luar bandar walapun perbezaan jurang ini tidak sejauh mana.
Lebih-lebih lagi di kawasan luar bandar ini terdapat ramai orang bumiputera Melayu, bumiputera yang agak miskin, kurang berkemampuan

correct me if i am wrong, but if i am not mistaken, my fellow friends who had been teaching in the rural areas said that, there are not much tuition centers there, so then the school teachers are the students' sole them night classes, extra classes etc...
therefor, only the urban kids who have the privillage to go to tuition centers right? so..?

well, entahlah...inilah susahnya kalau isu pendidikan diterajui oleh org politik...

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