Monday, 16 February 2009

tag #6

it's that time again..tagging time. This time round, it was from my friend the writer Iris Ixora
luckily it is not so long or mind here goes...
1. Do you think you are hot?
question ni ade 2 meaning...if 1st hot means beautiful, chantek giler ...errk kat sgt kot...biase2 jer.

2nd meaning of hot that refers to panas...well of course i feel panas after drinking hot tea/coffee, under the sun, or when near boiling temperature especially in 'kambing2 or mangkuk2 classess"
2. Upload your favourite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?

this pic is special because danish harith took it candidly when he was just 2 years old, he just love taking pictures, pantang my hp lepa sket, abish penuh memory card full the pictures he took... and i use this one as my profile pic online.

4. When was the last time you ate pizza? pizza hut, 3/4 weks ago kot..

5. The last song you listened to?

the radio is on-so music is non stop-but the song that i really like that i just listened to is lovebug by the jonas brothers

6. What are you doing right now besides this?

Printing the monthly test questions

7. What name would you prefer besides this?

i am grateful of my name-it have beautiful meaning that suits me well,

Unique, matchless, precious gem.

8. Kena tag tiga orang?
1. ervina
2. saniah
3. awie
Who is no. 1?

my old uni friend yg jauh dimata dekat di hati..chehwah...

9. No. 3 is having relationship with?

hmm...with her hubby-name unkownlah... en.isa kot

10. Who is no. 2?

also my old uni friend-a newly blogger...

so, evin, niah and awie...happy tagging!!!


Anonymous said...

mama danish...luv the pic...artistic gitu..:))

dazefaculty said...

thanks kak iris,
that pic was dari kaca mata danish harith..