Monday, 9 March 2009

i dont really know when i will adjust to it, but i do know that i will, because i love you.
i dont really know how i will come to term with it, it will me take sometime, but i do know that day will come, because i love you.
i do know that i pick up fight lately with you, unintentionally, because i miss you, how ironic is that...the kids miss you too. And i know you miss us too.
i hate this new job routine of yours, really hope it will not take the best of us.
i do know that i have to be by your side, be your anchor during this time, and i will support you in any way that i can. Because i am unconditionally and irrevocably in love with you...

Ya Allah, give me strength,give me the wisdom...amin


Baiti Mustafa said... kenal jek ayat yg last tuh...hehehe

dazefaculty said...

tgh demam Twilight...tapi not with the movie, but with the book-decided to read the book 1st b4 watch the movie...meyer is my new fav author...wuhhuuu...

Baiti Mustafa said...

dah agak dah....

tp awas!!..make sure u have all 4 books...nanti dah abih twilight..mesti nak sambung terus new moon, pehtu eclipse and breaking dawn terus..


yer..the book is byk benda takde dlm book..but still..edward cullen (rob pattinson) is soo dreamy..hahah..seswai sungguh as edward!

dazefaculty said...

yes,i learnt my lesson from previous Harry Potter fever-mesti ade all 7 books baru start baca..but sadly tadi nak pi carik the rest of the saga kat MPH alamanda,depa dah abish stok, and they donno when will the next stok ader...huuuhuhuhu...kene pi carik jgk kat tempat lain...

u dah abish baca all ker?

Baiti Mustafa said...

dah abih baca?...dah 2 kali dah baca..hehe...and i swear 2nd time baca rasa cam tak penah baca at all!!...

i have all 4 books..tapi ada colleague pinjam the 3rd book 'eclipse'..

nak pinjam ke??...but i think MPH Midveli sure ada one...or borders or kino...big2 stores...alamanda dulu setakat ada the first 2 jek i penah tengok..

dazefaculty said...

wah, dah 2 kali!!...mesti best gilerkan...
today we r going to Ikea, maybe try carik kat book shope kat shopping complex situ(yg kat sebelah dia-tak hingat namenyer...
baiknyer bagi pinjam kat org lain-kiter ni kedekut sket, buku harry potter langsung tak bagi org lain bororw, buku2 yg biasa2 tu boley lah...sayang nak bagi coz ada sorg kwn tu ada buku kiter dah buat harta persendirian pulak...