Monday, 26 January 2009

all worthwhile??

a long holiday is very much needed by me, 7 days is quite enoughlah kot...
after a long exhausting, hectic and tiring 3 weeks of the school, this CNY rest is a bliss...eventhough i did bring some school work home, ( i will start that on wednesday) but the 1st 4 days, i just want to lepak with my matter how and what they do to make me terjerit2, but it's all WORTHWHILE when i see you smile at me, hug me and kiss me..

talking about school...

...and this is not even a month after the school reopens, and oh me oh mine, the school admin is crazzzyyyyyy...i mean they really are many new rules, so many things that just make me NOT to stay there much cant do this, cant do that, must do this and must do that, and i kindna feel that i am working at a military school or something like that...and on top of that, i have to act like a hypocrite in front of 'YOU' ma'am, and i dont like that, i dont to be all smiling and laughing at your jokes and story, but inside feels like i want to just scream on top of my lung at you and say"STOP TREATING US AS IF WE ARE BLOODY STUPID PPL!!!"...'stoping threating to send us memos, if we dont want to obey all your silly new can&cant do's nad don'ts- as if we have done things that is so bloody serious-like burn the school down or something like that"...'stop treating us as if we have been in the edu system YESTERDAY!!!" only see and you want to see,only want to hear what u want to hear, you dont really listen what you should have been listening...never really appreciate what we have done, you put all your energy to find mistakes in people...and according to you, just in the name of perfection, and in the motto of "saya yang menurut perintah"... wtf!!
HELLO!!!as if you are soo bloody make mistakes tooo ok...
And all this time, you never 'SMILE' 'HUG' or "KISS" me... and that make everything that i have one for YOU... NOT WORTHWHILE, nothing that can justify the time spending or the effort i have put on.Not Yet though..but will it be..ever...???


SANIAH said...

dear farid...most admin mmg bengong and sangat susah dpt admin yg ok,rasanya kalo seumur hidup may be sekali dua jer kita akan dpt yg ok.pengetua aku lagi #@%*%#@# lagi teruk dari pengetua pompuan,selalu kita dgr laki ok jer kan,nih lah first time aku dgr lelaki yg teruk n hampeh bila jadi pentadbir.

Yunus Izam said...

relax :)

dazefaculty said...

kebangongan pentadbir yg kekadang just full of $#!** sometimes kan...

yunus(mr bojangles)
tgh relax lah nie, kalu tak relax ade dah pegi oder C4 long time ago...